
Showing posts from April, 2022

Exhibition Review, Lost Europe

The empty space adjoninig with the arcade on Malé náměstí in the Old Town of Prague is filled by the exhibition Lost Europe [1] . The corner room, enclosed in its two sites by clear windows and door invites walking people to stop for a while and reflect the Ukranian´s pre-war moments with the current situation. The one can stay outside, read the texts and take a look what is happening indoor. The entrance is open on Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the door opens from 10 a.m. during the weekend. The vaulted rectangular space is refilled by photos, flag, and paper materials including for instance the book of photos accompanied by journalist Petra Procházková´s texts . Photographers Karel Cudlín, Jan Dobrovský and Martin Wágner are part of the 400asa, the group of documentary photographers. They have pictured the Ukranian landscape, people and animals. To put it differently: moments of life in Ukraine. We are now facing the difficult times that is changing our lives from min...